Dorade farcie aux tomates confites
1 large grey sea bream, filleted
1 jar of Panzani Bolognese sauce
12 cherry tomatoes
4 sprigs of thyme
12 black olives, pitted
A drizzle of olive oil
Salt and freshly ground pepper
1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
2. Put the cherry tomatoes and a drizzle of olive oil into an oven-friendly dish. Add a sea bream fillet, skin side down, to the dish, cover with the Bolognese sauce, and sprinkle with chopped olives.
3. Lay the second fillet of sea bream on top. Season with salt and pepper, tuck the sprigs of thyme around it, and Bake 15 minutes at 220 ° C. Serve with a green salad.
For a vegetarian dish, the Bolognese sauce can be replaced with another, meatless Panzani sauce!
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