Penne Rigate
Salade de Penne au chenklich
400g Penne Rigate
75 grams Cherry Tomatoes cut in quarters
50g Diced Yellow Bell Pepper
50g Diced Red Bell Pepper
75g Diced Cucumber
60g Shanklish
5 grams Chopped Parsley
2g Chopped Mint
Le zeste d'un demi citron 40g
de jus de citron 100g
Une pincée de poivre blanc 4g
1. Cook the Penne Rigate following the indications written on the package.
2. Smash the shanklish cheese in a bowl.
3. Add the cherry tomato, the yellow bell pepper, the red bell pepper, the cucumber, the chopped parsley, the chopped mint and mix.
4. Add the Penne and mix.
5. Add the olive oil, the lemon juice, the salt, the white pepper, the lemon zest and mix.
6. Decorate with roasted sesame.
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